Keynote Speaker I
Prof. Xudong
Jiang (IEEE Fellow)
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dr. Xudong Jiang received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), and the Ph.D. degree from Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany. From 1986 to 1993, he was a Lecturer with UESTC, where he received two Science and Technology Awards from the Ministry for Electronic Industry of China. From 1998 to 2004, he was with the Institute for Infocomm Research, A-Star, Singapore, as a Lead Scientist and the Head of the Biometrics Laboratory, where he developed a system that achieved the most efficiency and the second most accuracy at the International Fingerprint Verification Competition in 2000. He joined Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, as a Faculty Member, in 2004, and served as the Director of the Centre for Information Security from 2005 to 2011. Currently, he is a professor in NTU. Dr Jiang holds 7 patents and has authored over 150 papers with over 40 papers in the IEEE journals, including 11 papers in IEEE T-IP and 6 papers in IEEE T-PAMI. Three of his papers have been listed as the top 1% highly cited papers in the academic field of Engineering by Essential Science Indicators. He served as IFS TC Member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society from 2015 to 2017, Associate Editor for IEEE SPL from 2014 to 2018, Associate Editor for IEEE T-IP from 2016 to 2020 and the founding editorial board member for IET Biometrics form 2012 to 2019. Dr Jiang is currently an IEEE Fellow and serves as Senior Area Editor for IEEE T-IP and Editor-in-Chief for IET Biometrics. His current research interests include image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, machine learning, and biometrics.
Keynote Speaker II
Prof. Kenneth K. M. Lam
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Prof. Kin-Man Lam received his Associateship in
Electronic Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in
1986. He won the S.L. Poa Education Foundation Scholarship for
overseas studies and was awarded an M.Sc. degree in communication
engineering from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Imperial
College of Science, Technology and Medicine, England, in 1987. In
August 1993, he undertook a Ph.D. degree program in the Department
of Electrical Engineering at the University of Sydney, Australia. He
completed his Ph.D. studies in August 1996.
From 1990 to 1993, Prof. Lam was a lecturer at the Department of
Electronic Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He
joined the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The
Hong Kong Polytechnic University again as an Assistant Professor in
October 1996. He became an Associate Professor in 1999, and is now a
Professor. He was actively involved in professional activities. He
has been a member of the organizing committee or program committee
of many international conferences. In particular, he was a General
Chair of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal
Processing, Communications, & Computing (ICSPCC 2012), the APSIPA
ASC 2015, and the 2017 International Conference on Multimedia and
Expo, all which were held in Hong Kong. Prof. Lam was the Chairman
of the IEEE Hong Kong Chapter of Signal Processing between 2006 and
2008. He was an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Image Processing
from 2009 to 2014. He received an Honorable Mention of the Annual
Pattern Recognition Society Award for an outstanding contribution to
the Pattern Recognition Journal in 2004. In 2008, he also received
the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Neural
Networks and Signal Processing.
Prof. Lam was the Director-Student Services and the
Director-Membership Services of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
between 2012 and 2014, and between 2015 and 2017, respectively. He
was an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Image Processing between
2009 and 2014, and an Area Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing
Magazine between 2015 and 2017. Currently, he is the VP-Publications
of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association
(APSIPA). Prof. Lam serves as an Associate Editor of Digital Signal
Processing, APSIPA Trans. on Signal and Information Processing, and
EURASIP International Journal on Image and Video Processing. He is
also an Editor of HKIE Transactions. His current research interests
include human face recognition, image and video processing, and
computer vision.
Keynote Speaker III
Prof. Kiyoshi Hoshino
Meiji University, (Professor Emeritus) University of Tsukuba, Japan
He received two doctor's degrees; one in Medical Science in 1993, and the other in Engineering in 1996, from the University of Tokyo respectively. From 1993 to 1995, he was an Assistant Professor at Tokyo Medical and Dental University School of Medicine. From 1995 to 2002, he was an Associate Professor at University of the Ryukyus. From 2002 to 2023, he served at the Biological Cybernetics Lab of University of Tsukuba as an Associate Professor and a Full Professor. He is now a Full Professor at Meiji University. He is awarded Professor Emeritus of University of Tsukuba in 2023. From 1998 to 2001, he was jointly appointed as a senior researcher of the PRESTO "Information and Human Activity" project of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). From 2002 to 2005, he was a project leader of a SORST project of JST. He served as a member of the “cultivation of human resources in the information science field” WG, Special Coordination Funds for the Promotion of Science and Technology, MEXT, a member of “Committee for Comfort 3D Fundamental Technology Promotion”, JEITA, the General Conference Chair of the 43rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Biofeedback Research, and a councilor and director of the Ibaraki Sports Association. He received IJCAI-09 AI Video Award, iFAN 2010 Best Paper Award, Laval Virtual Awards in 2009, 2013 and 2014, ISER 2015 Best Paper Award, and several domestic and international awards.
Keynote Speaker IV
Dr. KOTANI Hajime
CEO and Founder of CRESCENT Inc., Japan
After graduate Graduate School of Management (MBA) at Boston University, MA, USA, 1987, he started his career in a largest trading house in Japan. In 1999, he established an image engineering company, CRESCENT Inc., in Tokyo. The company is now a leading solution provider for industrial VR and service provider for high technology contents creation for any media such as film, TV, or interactive VR applying optical motion capture, volumetrics capture technologies or photogrammetry technologies. In 2005, thanks to the accumulated technologies of optical designing in the company, he invented and launched epoch-making 140-degree FOV HMD, HEWDD. The product was well adopted by a leading French automotive company for visualization of 3D CAD data, and later some Japanese heavy industry company used it for design visualization purposes. He opened motioncapture studio in Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2013, and contents creation studio in Glassgow, UK 2014. He is now building Asia’s biggest and the most advanced technology integrated digital studio at Showajima, next to Haneda airport, land size 4,300m2 launching 2025/Jan.
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Daisy Zheng
IVSP 2024 conference secretary
Meiji University Ikuta Campus
Address: 1 Chome-1-1 Higashimita, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa